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EyesWeb XMI, the open platform for real-time analysis of multimodal interaction, can be connected to Max/Msp throughout the OSC protocol (Open Sound Control). OSC is open, message-based protocol which was originally developed for communication between computers and sythesizers (cf. wiki).
EyesWeb XMI, the open platform for real-time analysis of multimodal interaction, can be connected to Max/Msp throughout the OSC protocol (Open Sound Control). OSC is open, message-based protocol which was originally developed for communication between computers and sythesizers (cf. wiki).
== Test ==
<body bgcolor=#F7F7F7 link=#000000 vlink=#000000>
<table><tr><td><a href="index.html"><img src="images/jitter_smallest.gif" border=0></a><br></td></tr></table>
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC width=30% valign=bottom>
<font size=+3 face="Times"><b>jit.matrix</b></font>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD width=70% align=right><font size=+1 face="Times">
The Jitter Matrix!
<font face="Times">
The <b>jit.matrix</b> object is a named matrix which may be used to
matrix data storage and retrieval, resampling, and
matrix type and planecount conversion operations.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCDD><font size=+1 face="Times"><a href="group-attributes.html"><b>Attributes:</b></a></font></td>
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC width=10%><font face="Times"><b>Name</b></font></td>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC width=5%><font face="Times"><b>Type</b></font></td>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC width=85%><font face="Times"><b>Description</b></font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">adapt</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Matrix adaptation flag (default = 0 if matrix arguments are present, otherwise 1)
When the flag is set, the <b>jit.matrix</b> object will adapt to the incoming matrix planecount, type, and dimensions.
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">dimstride</font> <font face="Times">(get)</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The byte stride per dimension
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">dim</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The dimensions of matrix data (default = 1 1)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">dstdimend</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The destination dimension end position (default = all <font face="Courier">dim</font> values minus 1)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">dstdimstart</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The source dimension start position (default = all 0)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">interp</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Matrix interpolation flag (default = 0)
When the flag is set, the input matrix will be interpolated
when copied to the internal matrix.
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">name</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">symbol</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The name of the matrix (default = UID)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">planecount</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The number of planes in matrix data (default = 4)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">planemap</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Maps input places to output planes (default = 0 1 2 3 ...)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">size</font> <font face="Times">(get)</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Total byte size of matrix
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">srcdimend</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The source dimension end position (default = all <font face="Courier">dim</font> values minus 1)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">srcdimstart</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int list[32]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The source dimension start position (default = all 0)
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">thru</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Thru mode flag (default = 1) When the flag is set, a matrix is output
when another one is received.
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">type</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
The matrix data type (default = <font face="Courier">char</font><br>
Supported data types are <font face="Courier">char</font>, <font face="Courier">long</font>, <font face="Courier">float32</font>, or <font face="Courier">float64</font>.
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">usedstdim</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Destdim use flag (default = 0)
When the flag is set, the destination dimension's attributes are used when copying an input matrix
to an internal matrix.
<td bgcolor=#D7CCCC valign=top><font face="Courier">usesrcdim</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#DDDDDD valign=top><font face="Courier">int</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC valign=top>
<font face="Times">
Srcdim use flag (default = 0)
When the flag is set, the source dimension's attributes are used when copying an input matrix
to an internal matrix.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCDD><font size=+1 face="Times"><b>Messages:</b></font></td>
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">bang </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to the <font face="Courier">outputmatrix</font> message.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">clear </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Sets all matrix values to zero.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">exportimage </font><font face="Times"> [<i>filename</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] { [<i>file-type</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] } { [<i>use-dialog</i> (<font face="Courier">int</font>)] }</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Export the current frame as an image file with the name specified by the first argument. The
optional second argument sets the file type (default = png). Available file types are
<font face="Courier">png</font>, <font face="Courier">bmp</font>, <font face="Courier">jpeg</font>, <font face="Courier">macpaint</font>, <font face="Courier">photoshop</font>, <font face="Courier">pict</font>, <font face="Courier">qtimage</font>,
<font face="Courier">sgi</font>, <font face="Courier">tga</font> and <font face="Courier">tiff</font>. An optional <i>use-dialog</i> argument of <font face="Courier">1</font> will open a
file dialog to allow you to enter the image file settings.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">exportmovie </font><font face="Times"> { [<i>filename</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] } [<i>FPS</i> (<font face="Courier">float</font>)] [<i>codec</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] [<i>quality</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] [<i>timescale</i> (<font face="Courier">int</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Exports a matrix as a QuickTime movie. The <font face="Courier">exportmovie</font> message takes an optional argument
to specify a file name. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.
The default <i>FPS</i> is 30. frames per second</p>
The default <i>codec</i> is <font face="Courier">raw</font>. Supported codecs are
<font face="Courier">raw</font>, <font face="Courier">cinepak</font>, <font face="Courier">graphics</font>, <font face="Courier">animation</font>, <font face="Courier">video</font>, <font face="Courier">componentvideo</font>, <font face="Courier">jpeg</font>, <font face="Courier">mjpega</font>, <font face="Courier">mjpegb</font>, <font face="Courier">sgi</font>, <font face="Courier">planarrgb</font>, <font face="Courier">macpaint</font>, <font face="Courier">gif</font>, <font face="Courier">photocd</font>, <font face="Courier">qdgx</font>, <font face="Courier">avrjpeg</font>, <font face="Courier">opendmljpeg</font>, <font face="Courier">bmp</font>, <font face="Courier">winraw</font>, <font face="Courier">vector</font>, <font face="Courier">qd</font>, <font face="Courier">h261</font>, <font face="Courier">h263</font>, <font face="Courier">dvntsc</font>, <font face="Courier">dvpal</font>, <font face="Courier">dvprontsc</font>, <font face="Courier">dvpropal</font>, <font face="Courier">flc</font>, <font face="Courier">targa</font>, <font face="Courier">png</font>, <font face="Courier">tiff</font>, <font face="Courier">componentvideosigned</font>, <font face="Courier">componentvideounsigned</font>, <font face="Courier">cmyk</font>, <font face="Courier">microsoft</font>, <font face="Courier">sorenson</font>, <font face="Courier">indeo4</font>, <font face="Courier">argb64</font>, <font face="Courier">rgb48</font>, <font face="Courier">alphagrey32</font>, <font face="Courier">grey16</font>, <font face="Courier">mpegyuv420</font>, <font face="Courier">yuv420</font>, and <font face="Courier">sorensonyuv9</font>.</p>
The default <i>quality</i> is <font face="Courier">max</font>. Supported quality settings are
<font face="Courier">lossless</font>, <font face="Courier">max</font>, <font face="Courier">min</font>, <font face="Courier">low</font>, <font face="Courier">normal</font>, and <font face="Courier">high</font>.<br>
Note that minimum quality is, in many cases, the codec's default quality. Use "low" quality for consistent results.</p>
The default <i>timescale</i> is 600 units per second.</p>
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">float </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to the <font face="Courier">setall [float]</font> message, followed by the <font face="Courier">bang</font> message.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">getcell </font><font face="Times"> [<i>position</i> (<font face="Courier">list</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Sends the value(s) in the cell specified by <font face="Courier">position</font>
out the right outlet of the object as a
list in the form
<font face="Courier">cell</font> <i>cell-position0</i> ... <i>cell-positionN</i> <font face="Courier">val</font> <i>plane0-value</i> ... <i>planeN-value</i>.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">importmovie </font><font face="Times"> { [<i>filename</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] } [<i>time-offset</i> (<font face="Courier">int</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Imports a QuickTime movie into the matrix. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.
The <i>time-offset</i> argument may be used to set a time offset for the QuickTime movie being imported (the default is 0).
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">int </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to the <font face="Courier">setall [int]</font> message, followed by the <font face="Courier">bang</font> message.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">exprfill </font><font face="Times"> [<i>expression</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Evlauates <i>expression</i> to fill the matrix. See <b><a href="jit.expr.html">jit.expr</a></b> for more information on expressions.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">jit_gl_texture </font><font face="Times"> [<i>texture-name</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Copies the texture specified by <i>texture-name</i> to the matrix.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">jit_matrix </font><font face="Times"> [<i>matrix-name</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Copies a matrix specified by <i>matrix-name</i> to the matrix.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">list </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to the <font face="Courier">setall [list]</font> message, followed by the <font face="Courier">bang</font> message.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">outputmatrix </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Sends the matrix out the left outlet.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">read </font><font face="Times"> { [<i>filename</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] }</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Reads Jitter binary data files (.jxf) into a matrix set.
If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">register </font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to setting the <font face="Courier">name</font> attribute.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">setall </font><font face="Times"> [<i>value</i> (<font face="Courier">list</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Sets all cells to the value specified by <font face="Courier">value(s)</font>. Position is specified of a list whose length is equal to the number of dimensions (<font face="Courier">dimcount</font>).
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">setcell </font><font face="Times"> [<i>position</i> (<font face="Courier">list</font>)] { <font face="Courier">plane</font> [<i>plane-number</i> (<font face="Courier">int</font>)] }  <font face="Courier">val</font> [<i>value</i> (<font face="Courier">list</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Sets the cell specified by <font face="Courier">position</font> to the value specified by <font face="Courier">value</font>.
Position is specified of a list whose length is equal to the number of dimensions (<font face="Courier">dimcount</font>). The
optional arguments <font face="Courier">plane</font> <i>plane-number</i> can be used to specify a plane. If a plane is specified, <i>value</i> should be a single number, otherwise it should be a list of numbers of size <font face="Courier">planecount - 1</font>.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">val </font><font face="Times"> [<i>value</i> (<font face="Courier">list</font>)]</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Equivalent to the <font face="Courier">setall</font> message, followed by the <font face="Courier">bang</font> message.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC><font face="Courier">write </font><font face="Times"> { [<i>filename</i> (<font face="Courier">symbol</font>)] }</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#D7D7CC>
<font face="Times">
Writes matrix set as a Jitter binary data file (.jxf).
If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCDD><font size=+1 face="Times"><b>Example:</b></a></td>
<img src="images/jit.matrix.gif" border=0></center>
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCDD><font size=+1 face="Times"><b>See Also:</b></a></td>
<td bgcolor=#CCCCCC>
<a href="jit.coerce.html"><b>jit.coerce</b></a>,
<a href="jit.fill.html"><b>jit.fill</b></a>,
<a href="jit.matrixset.html"><b>jit.matrixset</b></a>,
<a href="jit.matrixinfo.html"><b>jit.matrixinfo</b></a>,
<a href="jit.peek~.html"><b>jit.peek~</b></a>,
<a href="jit.poke~.html"><b>jit.poke~</b></a>,
<a href="jit.spill.html"><b>jit.spill</b></a>,
<a href="jit.submatrix.html"><b>jit.submatrix</b></a></td>

Revision as of 14:46, 9 May 2007

Gesture Follower tutorial

The gesture follower is a set of Max/MSP modules integrated in the toolbox MnM of the library FTM. The development of the gesture follower is pursued with the general goal to compare in realtime a gesture with prerecorded examples. The comparison mechanisms we implemented, following and recognition are further explained in the next subsections.

Workspace : overview

Get an overview of the interface functions. Example.jpg

1st STEP : Record gestures

Let’s start with two simple drawings : a triangle and a circle. Example2.jpg

2nd STEP : Compare

Draw a figure and then see how similar it is with your two referent drawings. Example3.jpg

3rd STEP : Observe

Pay attention to the curves below. They represent the velocity in X and Y axis of the mouse trajectories. That give a useful temporal information on how you realize your drawing. Example4.jpg

Connection Avec EyesWeb XMI

EyesWeb XMI, the open platform for real-time analysis of multimodal interaction, can be connected to Max/Msp throughout the OSC protocol (Open Sound Control). OSC is open, message-based protocol which was originally developed for communication between computers and sythesizers (cf. wiki).