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This is a list of the currently supported Functions.  For a clear explanation of the differences between Functions and Methods, please refer to the help file of ftm.mess, under the patcher functions & methods.
This is a list of the currently supported Functions.  For a clear explanation of the differences between Functions and Methods, please refer to the help file of ftm.mess, under the patcher functions & methods.
sin <num: value> - standard math function
sin <num: value> - standard math function
  cos <num: value> - standard math function
cos <num: value> - standard math function
  tan <num: value> - standard math function
tan <num: value> - standard math function
  asin <num: value> - standard math function
asin <num: value> - standard math function
  acos <num: value> - standard math function
acos <num: value> - standard math function
  atan <num: value> - standard math function
atan <num: value> - standard math function
  sinh <num: value> - standard math function
sinh <num: value> - standard math function
  cosh <num: value> - standard math function
cosh <num: value> - standard math function
  tanh <num: value> - standard math function
tanh <num: value> - standard math function
  abs <num: value> - standard math function - get absolute value
abs <num: value> - standard math function - get absolute value
  log <num: value> - standard math function
log <num: value> - standard math function
  logabs <num: value> - standard math function - logarithm of absolute value
logabs <num: value> - standard math function - logarithm of absolute value
  log10 <num: value> - standard math function
log10 <num: value> - standard math function
  exp <num: value> - standard math function
exp <num: value> - standard math function
  sqrt <num: value> - standard math function
sqrt <num: value> - standard math function
  trunc <num: value> - standard math function - truncate to integer value
trunc <num: value> - standard math function - truncate to integer value
  round <num: value> - standard math function - round to integer value nearest to current value
round <num: value> - standard math function - round to integer value nearest to current value
  ceil <num: value> - standard math function - round to smallest integral value not less than current value
ceil <num: value> - standard math function - round to smallest integral value not less than current value
  floor <num: value> - standard math function - round to largest integral value not less than current value
floor <num: value> - standard math function - round to largest integral value not less than current value
  lin2db <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear amplitude value to value in decibel
lin2db <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear amplitude value to value in decibel
  db2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in decibel to linear amplitude value
db2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in decibel to linear amplitude value
  lin2cent <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear value to value in cent
lin2cent <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear value to value in cent
  cent2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in cent to linear value
cent2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in cent to linear value
  new <sym: class name> [<any: instantiation arguments> ...] - create object of given class
new <sym: class name> [<any: instantiation arguments> ...] - create object of given class
  int <num: arg> - convert to integer value
int <num: arg> - convert to integer value
  i alias for 'int'
i alias for 'int'
  float <num: arg> - convert to floating-point value
float <num: arg> - convert to floating-point value
  f alias for 'float'
f alias for 'float'
  symbol <sym: arg> - convert to symbol
symbol <sym: arg> - convert to symbol
  s alias for 'symbol'
s alias for 'symbol'
  list [<obj|any: list args>...] - convert objects to list
list [<obj|any: list args>...] - convert objects to list
  listhead [<any: list args> ...] - get list head
listhead [<any: list args> ...] - get list head
  listtail [<any: list args> ...] - get list tail
listtail [<any: list args> ...] - get list tail
  listlen [<any: list args> ...] - get list size
listlen [<any: list args> ...] - get list size
  listnth <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get nth list element (indices starting from 1)
listnth <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get nth list element (indices starting from 1)
  listelem <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get list element
listelem <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get list element
  listsub <num: index> <num: len> [<any: args> >...] - get sub-list
listsub <num: index> <num: len> [<any: args> >...] - get sub-list
  l alias for 'list'
l alias for 'list'
  lhead alias for 'listhead'
lhead alias for 'listhead'
  ltail alias for 'listtail'
ltail alias for 'listtail'
  llen alias for 'listlen'
llen alias for 'listlen'
  lnth alias for 'listnth'
lnth alias for 'listnth'
  lelem alias for 'listelem'
lelem alias for 'listelem'
  lsub alias for 'listsub'
lsub alias for 'listsub'
  unique - generate unique integer number
unique - generate unique integer number
  random [<num: min>] <num: max> - generate (float) random number (min <= x < max)
random [<num: min>] <num: max> - generate (float) random number (min <= x < max)
  clip <num: value> [<num: lower boundary>] <num: upper boundary> - clip value
clip <num: value> [<num: lower boundary>] <num: upper boundary> - clip value
  pow <num: base> <num: exponent> - power
pow <num: base> <num: exponent> - power
  mod <num: num> <num: denum> - float modulo function
mod <num: num> <num: denum> - float modulo function
  min [<num: arg> ...] - find minimum
min [<num: arg> ...] - find minimum
  max [<num: arg> ...] - find maximum
max [<num: arg> ...] - find maximum
  mag [<num: arg> ...] - magnitude (sqrt of sum of squares)
mag [<num: arg> ...] - magnitude (sqrt of sum of squares)
  arg <num: real part> <num: imaginary part> - argument angle
arg <num: real part> <num: imaginary part> - argument angle
  hz2midi <num: value in Hz> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to MIDI note number
hz2midi <num: value in Hz> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to MIDI note number
  midi2hz <num: MIDI note number> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to frequency in Hz
midi2hz <num: MIDI note number> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to frequency in Hz
  cat <any: item>... - concatenate to a single symbol
cat <any: item>... - concatenate to a single symbol
  basename <sym: filepath> - get filename part of filepath (last component)
basename <sym: filepath> - get filename part of filepath (last component)
  dirname <sym: filepath> - get directory part of filepath (or '.' if no path)
dirname <sym: filepath> - get directory part of filepath (or '.' if no path)
  extension <sym: filepath> - get extension part of filepath (after the last '.')
extension <sym: filepath> - get extension part of filepath (after the last '.')
  stripext <sym: filepath> - remove extension from filepath (including the '.')
stripext <sym: filepath> - remove extension from filepath (including the '.')
  not <num: linear value> - integer negation
not <num: linear value> - integer negation
  if <num: condition> <any: true value> <any: false value> - choose between two values (both conditional values are evaluated)
if <num: condition> <any: true value> <any: false value> - choose between two values (both conditional values are evaluated)
  case <num: index> [<any: value for index 1, 2 etc.> ...] - choose between multiple values (all conditional values are evaluated)
case <num: index> [<any: value for index 1, 2 etc.> ...] - choose between multiple values (all conditional values are evaluated)
  typeof <any: arg> - get class/type name of value or object
typeof <any: arg> - get class/type name of value or object
  classof <any: arg> - get class/type of value or object
classof <any: arg> - get class/type of value or object
  getid <obj: reference> - get object id
getid <obj: reference> - get object id
  getobj <symbol: id> - get object by id
getobj <symbol: id> - get object by id
  obj <symbol: id> - get object by id
obj <symbol: id> - get object by id
  class <sym: class name> - get class/type by name
class <sym: class name> - get class/type by name
  print print value or object
print print value or object
  aa <sym|any: arg> [<any: replacement if arg is #1, #2, etc> [<replacement if arg is 0>]] - replace abstraction argument by default value
aa <sym|any: arg> [<any: replacement if arg is #1, #2, etc> [<replacement if arg is 0>]] - replace abstraction argument by default value
  info <'classes'|'class'|'functions'> [<any: args>] [<mat: container>] - get info (post to console window or store into container if given)
info <'classes'|'class'|'functions'> [<any: args>] [<mat: container>] - get info (post to console window or store into container if given)
  checkversion <num: major version> [<num: minor version> [<num: release>]] - check whether the running FTM corresponds to given version and release
checkversion <num: major version> [<num: minor version> [<num: release>]] - check whether the running FTM corresponds to given version and release
  ftm <sym: FTM system function> <list: arguments>
ftm <sym: FTM system function> <list: arguments>
  FTM alias for 'ftm'
FTM alias for 'ftm'
  ftm version - get FTM version as symbol
ftm version - get FTM version as symbol
  ftm exprerrcheck <0|'none'|1|'loose'|2|'normal'|3|'strict'> - set expression evaluation error checking level
ftm exprerrcheck <0|'none'|1|'loose'|2|'normal'|3|'strict'> - set expression evaluation error checking level
  ftm exprerrcheck - get FTM expression evaluation error checking level
ftm exprerrcheck - get FTM expression evaluation error checking level
  ftm exterrors - post current errors of FTM externals
ftm exterrors - post current errors of FTM externals
  version - get FTM version as symbol (deprecated)
version - get FTM version as symbol (deprecated)

Revision as of 15:30, 5 July 2010

This is a list of the currently supported Functions. For a clear explanation of the differences between Functions and Methods, please refer to the help file of ftm.mess, under the patcher functions & methods.

sin <num: value> - standard math function
cos <num: value> - standard math function
tan <num: value> - standard math function
asin <num: value> - standard math function
acos <num: value> - standard math function
atan <num: value> - standard math function
sinh <num: value> - standard math function
cosh <num: value> - standard math function
tanh <num: value> - standard math function
abs <num: value> - standard math function - get absolute value
log <num: value> - standard math function
logabs <num: value> - standard math function - logarithm of absolute value
log10 <num: value> - standard math function
exp <num: value> - standard math function
sqrt <num: value> - standard math function
trunc <num: value> - standard math function - truncate to integer value
round <num: value> - standard math function - round to integer value nearest to current value
ceil <num: value> - standard math function - round to smallest integral value not less than current value
floor <num: value> - standard math function - round to largest integral value not less than current value
lin2db <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear amplitude value to value in decibel
db2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in decibel to linear amplitude value
lin2cent <num: value> - standard math function - convert linear value to value in cent
cent2lin <num: value> - standard math function - convert value in cent to linear value
new <sym: class name> [<any: instantiation arguments> ...] - create object of given class
int <num: arg> - convert to integer value
i alias for 'int'
float <num: arg> - convert to floating-point value
f alias for 'float'
symbol <sym: arg> - convert to symbol
s alias for 'symbol'
list [<obj|any: list args>...] - convert objects to list
listhead [<any: list args> ...] - get list head
listtail [<any: list args> ...] - get list tail
listlen [<any: list args> ...] - get list size
listnth <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get nth list element (indices starting from 1)
listelem <num: index> [<any: args> >...] - get list element
listsub <num: index> <num: len> [<any: args> >...] - get sub-list
l alias for 'list'
lhead alias for 'listhead'
ltail alias for 'listtail'
llen alias for 'listlen'
lnth alias for 'listnth'
lelem alias for 'listelem'
lsub alias for 'listsub'
unique - generate unique integer number
random [<num: min>] <num: max> - generate (float) random number (min <= x < max)
clip <num: value> [<num: lower boundary>] <num: upper boundary> - clip value
pow <num: base> <num: exponent> - power
mod <num: num> <num: denum> - float modulo function
min [<num: arg> ...] - find minimum
max [<num: arg> ...] - find maximum
mag [<num: arg> ...] - magnitude (sqrt of sum of squares)
arg <num: real part> <num: imaginary part> - argument angle
hz2midi <num: value in Hz> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to MIDI note number
midi2hz <num: MIDI note number> [<num: tuning frequency (for note # 69, def 440.)>] - convert to frequency in Hz
cat <any: item>... - concatenate to a single symbol
basename <sym: filepath> - get filename part of filepath (last component)
dirname <sym: filepath> - get directory part of filepath (or '.' if no path)
extension <sym: filepath> - get extension part of filepath (after the last '.')
stripext <sym: filepath> - remove extension from filepath (including the '.')
not <num: linear value> - integer negation
if <num: condition> <any: true value> <any: false value> - choose between two values (both conditional values are evaluated)
case <num: index> [<any: value for index 1, 2 etc.> ...] - choose between multiple values (all conditional values are evaluated)
typeof <any: arg> - get class/type name of value or object
classof <any: arg> - get class/type of value or object
getid <obj: reference> - get object id
getobj <symbol: id> - get object by id
obj <symbol: id> - get object by id
class <sym: class name> - get class/type by name
print print value or object
aa <sym|any: arg> [<any: replacement if arg is #1, #2, etc> [<replacement if arg is 0>]] - replace abstraction argument by default value
info <'classes'|'class'|'functions'> [<any: args>] [<mat: container>] - get info (post to console window or store into container if given)
checkversion <num: major version> [<num: minor version> [<num: release>]] - check whether the running FTM corresponds to given version and release
ftm <sym: FTM system function> <list: arguments>
FTM alias for 'ftm'
ftm version - get FTM version as symbol
ftm exprerrcheck <0|'none'|1|'loose'|2|'normal'|3|'strict'> - set expression evaluation error checking level
ftm exprerrcheck - get FTM expression evaluation error checking level
ftm exterrors - post current errors of FTM externals
version - get FTM version as symbol (deprecated)