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The gesture follower is a set of Max/MSP modules integrated in the toolbox MnM of the library FTM. The development of the gesture follower is pursued with the general goal to compare in realtime a gesture with prerecorded examples. The comparison mechanisms we implemented, following and recognition are further explained in the next subsections.





Tutorial Workspace : overview

Get an overview of the interface functions. Example.jpg

1st STEP : Record gestures

Let’s start with two simple drawings : a triangle and a circle. Example2.jpg

2nd STEP : Compare

Draw a figure and then see how similar it is with your two referent drawings. Example3.jpg

3rd STEP : Observe

Pay attention to the curves below. They represent the velocity in X and Y axis of the mouse trajectories. That give a useful temporal information on how you realize your drawing. Example4.jpg

Connection Avec EyesWeb XMI

EyesWeb XMI, the open platform for real-time analysis of multimodal interaction, can be connected to Max/Msp throughout the OSC protocol (Open Sound Control). OSC is open, message-based protocol which was originally developed for communication between computers and sythesizers (cf. wiki).