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gbr.addenv '
arguments: 0 - maximum number of partials (default is 64)
inlets: 0 - message input
1 <undefined> - no description
2 <undefined> - no description
3 <undefined> - no description
outlets: 0 <fmat> - no description

gbr.addpartials '
arguments: 0 - maximum number of partials (default is 64)
inlets: 0 - message input
1 <undefined> - no description
2 <undefined> - no description
3 <undefined> - no description
outlets: 0 <fmat> - no description

gbr.autox '
arguments: 0 - initalize size
1 - initalize width
inlets: 0 - message input
outlets: 0 <fmat> - no description

gbr.bands '
arguments: init input spectrum size and output bands number, or boundaries
attributes: integ - set the spectrum integration type
scale - set the bands filter scale
maxfreq - set the output maximum frequency in Herz
minfreq - set the output minimum frequency in Herz
mode - set the bands mode
specnyq - set the spectrum Nyquist frequency in Herz
messages: integ - set the spectrum integration type
scale - set the bands filter scale
maxfreq - set the output maximum frequency in Herz
minfreq - set the output minimum frequency in Herz
mode - set the bands mode
specnyq - set the spectrum Nyquist frequency in Herz
getstate - get the internal weights matrix
set - set band boundaries
bounds - set band boundaries
outsize - set the number of output bands
insize - set the input spectrum size
inlets: 0 - input spectrum
outlets: 0 - output bands
1 - internal weights matrix '
arguments: initialize FFT size, min freq, channels per octave, threshold and channels
inlets: 0 - message input
outlets: 0 <fmat> - no description

gbr.copy copy vector (fmat) out of a delay line or an fmat or fvec)
The module copies a grain (fmat vector) of a given duration out of a delay line at a given delay time and outputs an fmat reference.If the given delay time is less than the the duration the vector will be shortened
arguments: 0 - <delayline|fmat|fvec: source> ... init source
1 - <num: duration> ... init grain duration
attributes: out - <fmat: output> ... set output fmat
unit - <'msec'|'sec'|'samp': unit> ... set time unit to msecs, secs or samples
messages: bang - copy vector from the beginning of the delay line and output
set - <delayline|fmat|fvec: source> ... set source
out - <fmat: output> ... set output fmat
unit - <'msec'|'sec'|'samp': unit> ... set time unit to msecs, secs or samples
inlets: 0 - <num: delay> ... copy and output grain at given delay position
1 - <num: duration> ... set duration
outlets: 0 - <fmat: vector> ... output grain