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ftm.absargs '
arguments: none
attributes: none
messages: bang - output abstraction arguments and attributes
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - name of the abstraction
1 - list of abstraction arguments
2 - dump attributes as attribute/value pairs (one list for each attribute)

ftm.buffer '
arguments: initialization arguments
attributes: none
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - output (reference to) fmat

ftm.copy '
arguments: init class by name (optionally) and copy destination
attributes: none
messages: set - set copy destination
inlets: 0 - FTM object to copy
1 - set copy destination
outlets: 0 - output (reference to) copy destination

ftm.guilistener '
arguments: initialize guiobj in guilistener
attributes: none
messages: none
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - output gui interactions as list: <name, values ... >

ftm.inter '
arguments: 0 - fmat of values corresponding to the interpolation factor 0
1 - fmat of values corresponding to the interpolation factor 1
attributes: out - set output fmat
messages: out - set output fmat
inlets: 0 - interpolation factor (fraction between 0 and 1)
1 - fmat of values corresponding to the interpolation factor 0
2 - fmat of values corresponding to the interpolation factor 1
outlets: 0 - interpolated FTM fmat object containing interpolated values

ftm.jitter '
arguments: define target (FTM or Jitter object)
attributes: plane - define plane to copy outof Jitter matrix
messages: plane - define plane to copy outof Jitter matrix
inlets: 0 - FTM or Jitter object to be copied to target
1 - set target Jitter or FTM object
outlets: 0 - output target object

ftm.mess '
arguments: none
attributes: none
messages: anything - input message
inlets: 0 - input list
outlets: 0 - message outlet

ftm.o '
arguments: initialization arguments
attributes: persist - switch FTM object persitence: 'yes' | 'no' (default is 'no')
scope - FTM object scope: 'global' | 'local' (default is 'local')
name - FTM object name
messages: #load - reload object content to file
#save - dump object content to file
#close - close FTM object editor
#open - open FTM object editor
bang - output (reference to) FTM object
anything - messages redirected to FTM object
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - (reference to) the FTM object
1 - return values of messages send to the FTM object

ftm.object '
arguments: none
attributes: none
messages: bang - output reference
anything - message to object
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - object reference (when bang)
1 - method return values play a sequence
Plays a sequence outputting the sequence elements.
arguments: initialize sequence and optionally begin, end and speed
attributes: erase - switch whether to successively erase objects from sequence while playing
messages: stop - stop playing (resets current position)
pause - pause playing
start - start playing
loop - loop current or optionally given sequence and segment (begin and end)
play - play current or optionally given sequence and segment (begin and end)
bang - play sequence from beginning
next - jump to next event
sync - sync to given position
locate - locate to given position (stops playing)
jump - jump to given position
reset - stop and reset playing segment to entire sequence
set - set sequence and optionally begin, end and speed
duration - set duration of playing segment (sets speed so that the playing segment fits given duration)
speed - set playing speed
end - set end of playing segment
begin - set beginning of playing segment
erase - switch whether to successively erase objects from sequence while playing
inlets: 0 - message input
1 - set beginning of playing segment
2 - set end of playing segment
3 - set playing speed
outlets: 0 - events while playing
1 - time while playing
2 - bang at end of segment or sequence

ftm.print print to the console
Prints any input (single values, lists, messages) to the console.

Evokes print method of FTM objects when incoming as single value.

arguments: 0 - <sym: prompt> - prompt symbol
attributes: none
messages: anything - print message or FTM object
bang - print bang
inlets: 0 - [<any: values> ...] - print value or list
outlets: none

ftm.record '
arguments: 0 - initialize track to record
attributes: mode - select record mode (clear | erase | overdub)
clone - switch whether to clone objects before recording
messages: set - set track to record
stop - stop recording (resets current position)
pause - pause recording
start - start recording
locate - jump to given position (default 0.)
mode - select record mode (clear | erase | overdub)
clone - switch whether to clone objects before recording
inlets: 0 - value to record (has to match track type)
outlets: 0 - current recording time '
arguments: 0 - default file name
1 - outinfo [mat]: set mat to receive content summary info
2 - outnvt [dict]: set dict to receive header name-value tables
attributes: outnvt - outnvt [dict]: set dict to receive header name-value tables
outinfo - outinfo [mat]: set mat to receive content summary info
messages: print - print [filename]: print info of last file to console
bang - get info of last file
get - get [filename] [matrixref]: get info
set - set <filename> [matrixref]: set file name to get info of
outnvt - outnvt [dict]: set dict to receive header name-value tables
outinfo - outinfo [mat]: set mat to receive content summary info
inlets: none
outlets: 0 - duration of SDIF file in milliseconds
1 - summary of data in SDIF file in an FTM mat object, one line per occuring SDIF matrix
2 - NVT (Name-Value Table) header information in an FTM dict of dicts

ftm.sdif.write '
arguments: none
attributes: none
messages: close - stop writing and close file
stop - stop writing and close file
record - open, rewind, truncate file and write the header
start - open, rewind, truncate file and write the header
bang - open, rewind, truncate file and write the header
write - write <time> <list>: write list values into separate frames at given time. If values are tracks, write track data interleaved, offset by time.
nvt - nvt <dict> | nvt <name> <value> ...: add nvt info from dict or from list of name--value pairs
define - define <typedef>: add sdif description types in string typedef
open - open [filename] [framespec]: store filename and matrix selection for output data, open file
inlets: 0 - each inlet receives an element or tuple of data (int, float, symbol, fvec, fmat) and writes it to an SDIF frame
outlets: none

ftm.tween '
arguments: 0 - initialize sequence
attributes: none
messages: prev - jump to the position of the previous value
next - jump to the position of the next value
inlets: 0 - position in sequence
1 - set sequence
outlets: 0 - factor corresponding to the position between sucessive values in the sequence (fraction between 0 and 1)
1 - value at or right before the given position
2 - value right after the given position
3 - distance (time in msec) between the values at or before and after the given position

ftm.value '
arguments: 0 - initialize value
attributes: none
messages: bang - output current value
inlets: 0 - value to be stored and output
1 - value to be stored (without output)
outlets: 0 - current value