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Revision as of 23:56, 11 March 2009 by Diemo (talk | contribs) (catart running max5)
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This is the collaborative FAQ for CataRT application and modules for real-time corpus-based concatenative synthesis. CataRT is documented in detail on the IMTR team web site.

You can contribute with questions, answers, and examples, but please notify the community on the concat mailing list.

Q: Where can I get information about CataRT?

A: There are a number of tutorials and help patches within the distribution, and the CataRT page lists a number of documents and articles with in-depth info about CataRT

Q: How many dimensions can one use to select a grain?

A: Any number of descriptors can be used, see the CataRT internal documentation on

Q: When is CataRT going to be available on Max 5?

A: Updated March 2009: CataRT does work on Max5!!! Thanks to the tremendous work of Norbert and Riccardo, the FTM version 2.5 alpha 5 is out, that makes CataRT run fully functional under Max5! There might be a few error messages on startup that can be ignored.

Q: Do you have plans to make it available on Pd?

A: For PD, it would be a lot of work to translate the CataRT application, even though CataRT's basis of FTM&Co. does work on PD. If you're up for it, I'd give you a hand...