From ftm
- mnm.biqoefs
- mnm.biquad
- mnm.diag
- mnm.dtw
- mnm.gmmem
- mnm.hist
- mnm.knn
- mnm.mahalanobis
- mnm.mean
- mnm.meanstd
- mnm.median
- mnm.minmax
- mnm.moments
- mnm.nmd
- mnm.nmf
- mnm.obsprob
- mnm.onepole
- mnm.qr
- mnm.stats
- mnm.submat
- mnm.sum
- mnm.svd
- mnm.transpose
- mnm.viterbi
- mnm.xdist2
- mnm.xmul
mnm.biqoefs | Biquad coefficients | |||||||||||
Calculates biquad coefficients for various filter types. | ||||||||||||
mnm.biquad | Biquad filtering | |||||||||||
Calculates biquad filtering over vectors (rows or columns) or stream of values (of any dimension). | ||||||||||||
| | Inter-frame regression | |||||||||||
Calculates derivative of incoming matrices or vectors. | ||||||||||||
mnm.diag | Matrix diagonal | |||||||||||
Returns a copy of the diagonal of the incoming matrix in a vector.The length of the result is the minimum of the dimensions of the input. | ||||||||||||
mnm.dtw | Dynamic Time Warping | |||||||||||
Calculates DTW of incoming matrix or vector. | ||||||||||||
mnm.gmmem | Expectation Maximization for Gaussian Mixture Models | |||||||||||
GMM EM has to be documented. | ||||||||||||
mnm.hist | Histogram | |||||||||||
Calculates histogram of incoming matrix elements. The input matrix, list or vector element's occurences are counted in the given number of bins in between the min and max value | ||||||||||||
mnm.knn | K-Nearest Neighbour search | |||||||||||
Find the k nearest neighbours and their distances to the query point in multi-dimensional data using an efficient multidimensional search tree with logarithmic time complexity. | ||||||||||||
| | Lower-Upper decomposition | |||||||||||
Calculates LU decomposition of incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.mahalanobis | Mahalanobis distance | |||||||||||
Calculates mahalanobis distance of incoming matrices or vectors. | ||||||||||||
mnm.mean | Mean filtering | |||||||||||
Calculates mean filtering over vectors (rows or columns) or stream of values (of any dimension). | ||||||||||||
mnm.meanstd | Mean and standard deviation | |||||||||||
Calculates the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of each column or row (depending on 'mode' argument) as one row or column vector | ||||||||||||
mnm.median | Median filtering | |||||||||||
Calculates median filtering over vectors (rows or columns) or stream of values (of any dimension). | ||||||||||||
mnm.minmax | Minimum and maximum | |||||||||||
Calculates the min, index of min, max, index of max of each column or row (depending on argument) as one row or column vector | ||||||||||||
mnm.moments | Statistical moments | |||||||||||
Calculates moments from first to specified order. | ||||||||||||
mnm.nmd | Non-zero Matrix Decomposition | |||||||||||
Calculates NMD of incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.nmf | Non-zero Matrix Factorization | |||||||||||
Calculates NMF of incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.obsprob | Obsprob | |||||||||||
Obsprob has to be documented. | ||||||||||||
mnm.onepole | Onepole filtering | |||||||||||
Calculates onepole filtering (low-pass or high-pass) over vectors (rows or columns) or stream of values (of any dimension). | ||||||||||||
mnm.qr | Orthogonal-Right decomposition | |||||||||||
Calculates QR decomposition of incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.stats | Stats | |||||||||||
Stats has to be documented. | ||||||||||||
mnm.submat | Sub-matrix | |||||||||||
Copies sub-matrix outof incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.sum | Matrix sum | |||||||||||
Calculates sum over entire matrix, matrix rows or matrix columns. | ||||||||||||
mnm.svd | Singular Value Decomposition | |||||||||||
Calculates SVD of incoming matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.transpose | Transpose | |||||||||||
Calculates transposed matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.viterbi | Viterbi algorithm | |||||||||||
Calculates Viterbi path of incoming matrices or vector. | ||||||||||||
mnm.xdist2 | Square of Euclidean distance | |||||||||||
Calculates the square of the Euclidean distance between a vector and each line of a matrix. | ||||||||||||
mnm.xmul | Matrix multiplication | |||||||||||
Calculates matrix multiplication as in out = left x right. The left and right operands of the matrix multiplication are given by the respective inlets unless the swap option is enabled.The dimensions of the resulting output matrix are corresponding to the minimum dimensions of the two operators. | ||||||||||||