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Q: I have a sequence of timetags corresponding to presets and need to get the corresponding preset number when playing. I know the playing time and need to compare it to all timetags in the first col of the fmat.

A: If you need to process times, you should use a track and ftm.tween to lookup the values...

Example: Thanks a lot. It works fine. At the end I supressed the fmat witch is usseless for my purpose. Here is the patch and the pattrstorage xml named "interpol.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

<pattrstorage name = "u621000003">
    <slot number = "1">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "0.415094 0.716981 0.811321 0.867925
0.792453 0.679245 0.641509 0.566038 0.566038 0.566038 0.603774 0.679245
0.773585 0.792453 0.886792 1." />
    <slot number = "2">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "-0.283019 -0.433962 -0.584906 -0.641509
-0.754717 -0.773585 -0.792453 -0.811321 -0.811321 -0.773585 -0.584906
-0.490566 -0.301887 -0.056604 0.075472 0.622642" />
    <slot number = "3">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "-0.867925 -0.660377 -0.584906 -0.433962
-0.283019 -0.188679 -0.09434 0.018868 0.09434 0.188679 0.245283 0.358491
0.433962 0.509434 0.698113 1." />
    <slot number = "4">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "0.867925 0.754717 0.566038 0.358491
0.264151 0.113208 0.018868 -0.264151 -0.339623 -0.471698 -0.566038 -0.641509
-0.754717 -0.849057 -0.924528 -1." />
    <slot number = "5">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "-0.981132 1. -1. 1. -1. 1. -1. 1. -1.
1. -0.981132 1. -1. 1. -1. 1." />
    <slot number = "6">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "1. -1. 1. -1. 1. -1. 1. -1. 1. -1. 1.
-1. 1. -1. 1. -1." />
    <slot number = "7">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0." />
    <slot number = "8">
        <pattr name = "msl" value = "-1. -1. -1. -1. -0.773585 -0.358491
0.075472 0.075472 -0.113208 -0.207547 -0.433962 -0.641509 -0.754717
-0.943396 -0.981132 -1." />