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Mac OS X

This is all explained in the FTMStandaloneREADME.txt in the FTMStandalone folder of the FTM distribution (.dmg):

1. open your patch

2. drop the "ftm-externals" folder onto the "FTMStandaloneAnte" droplet

3. create your Max standalone as usual:

  • build standalone into this folder("FTMStandalone")
  • make sure to choose the "application" format

4. drop the standalone on the "FTMStandalonePost" droplet

Now you can use your standalone.

Windows XP

1. add all you need normally

2. include "C:/Program Files/Cycling '74/MaxMSP 4.6/support/libsndfile.dll"

3. include "C:/Program Files/Cycling '74/MaxMSP 4.6/support/pthreadVC2.dll"

4. include "C:/Program Files/Cycling '74/MaxMSP 4.6/support/MaxQuicktime.dll"

5. build your application/collective as usually

Now you can use your standalone.

Troubleshooting Standalone Building

Q1: I'm having trouble building a standalone with FTM. I've followed the instructions on the wiki and in the readme.txt file, but I'm still getting lots of no such object and unable to load object bundle error messages for the FTM externals.

Each object bundle error has something similar to the following in the max window:

 2010-10-23 00:07:22.939 ftm-app-test[6858:20b] Error loading /private/var/folders/R6/R6GLOZahFUKD41rQMTJi3k+++TI/TemporaryItems/appRuntime-mxt/ftm.print.mxo/Contents/MacOS/ftm.print:  dlopen(/private/var/folders/R6/R6GLOZahFUKD41rQMTJi3k+++TI/TemporaryItems/appRuntime-mxt/ftm.print.mxo/Contents/MacOS/ftm.print, 262): 
 Library not loaded: @loader_path/../Frameworks/FTMlib.framework/Versions/2.5/FTMlib
 Referenced from: /private/var/folders/R6/R6GLOZahFUKD41rQMTJi3k+++TI/TemporaryItems/appRuntime-mxt/ftm.print.mxo/Contents/MacOS/ftm.print
 Reason: image not found

A1: It seems, from the error message, that Max found other ftm objects in file-path, during standalone build. Please check that, and remove all other ftm objects before building again.

Q2: I tried it again this morning after not changing anything and it worked perfectly. However, I tried it again after that (didn't change anything) and it didn't work. I am finding that I can only build one application per session (didn't try collectives), i.e., after restarting my computer, everything works, but each subsequent build does not.

I also tried building from different patches the second time and they didn't work either. I'm sure there are no duplicate objects floating around, but maybe it's something else about my configuration?

A2: Here is the tricky part: when you build a standalone application, then this application contains the externals... (If you control-click the application in Finder, you can display what is inside.) If the newly built standalone is within the Max search-path, Max finds the externals here.

So you need to build the standalone outside Max search-path, or to move the standalone away, and restart Max. (No need to restart your session.)
