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Our large scale ftm-driven installation has been running flawless at the shanghai biennale for > two months now.

Håkon from

I think you'll get a lot from using ftm, it's really powerful, and worth's a lot to be capable of using it in depth.. and sooner or later you will start using those amazing patches..

Tiago Morais Morgado

It's very rare to come across such a comprehensively useful set of tools for data management of any kind, let alone with the added elegance on FTM's integration with sound and performance specific material.

I implemented [...] databases and associated sequencers in FTM and found it a simple and intuitive process. I submitted it as my Masters thesis, and debuted the system at a concert at the end of August.

Today I received the results of my degree, and the thesis component was awarded an A grade. So, thank you for introducing me to the joys of FTM, which made my life much easier over summer, and contributed in no small way to my academic success.

Ev Buckley